3D Scanning It is the process of transferring the design and engineering details of the structures of products which do not have a design data in the computer environment.
The 3D scanning process is considered to be the ideal solution for creating and hosting the necessary data from the ground up in the computer environment. The data obtained through 3D Scan provides designers and manufacturers with significant resources in different fields such as reverse engineering and quality control.
Reverse Engineering
Computer-aided data obtained by 3D scanning of the products which do not have 3-D data, but have produced samples, is the necessary source for the improvement and / or reproduction of the product in terms of design and engineering. Easily create CAD model of non-geometric parts of reverse engineering, create CAD model of deformed parts, create CAD model of parts which cannot be measured by measurement tools such as caliper, micrometer, create high precision CAD model, shorten CAD model building time, minimizing design errors, parametric CAD offers high quality, fast and economical solutions such as model creation.
Quality control
infoTRON specializes in the repetitive quality control and reporting of mass-produced products, as well as in one piece. For the desired reporting and purpose, optical, laser and touch systems are used with high expertise. Our product development engineers decide on the most cost-effective, the highest accuracy and the fastest results.
- Superficial Deviation Control
- Point Measurement
- Dimensional control over cross-section
- Trim lines control
- 3D GD & T Control
- 2D GD & T Control
- Wall thickness measurement
- Deviation control over the silhouette
- Automatic reporting
In quality control projects, studies are performed on both 3D data and 2D technical drawing. 3D data from the design software are generated by using the quality control software.
In the projects in which geometric measurements and tolerances are required, these measures included in the planning are introduced to the software. Regardless of the number of measures introduced, all measurements can be completed in just a few minutes for each piece. In this way, although the sampling frequency is increased in mass production, quality control costs decrease.
Scan to BIM
The quality of the Scan to BIM model can be subjective and abstract. There are no standard templates to follow, or tools to automate this task.
- Modeling tips for quality assurance
- Visualization tools and methods with Revit and ReCap
- QC Revit Templates
- Best practices in Scan to BIM
This class focuses on the development of tools and options for Revit software and ReCap software that can help us visualize model errors and provide a quality product. When faced with the quality control of a model replicated from a point cloud, we show you a number of tips that can help you, and help you to know where to focus on what situation.