infoTRON, optical camera based 3D measurement systems is the world’s leading suppliers of AICON 3D Systems company is the authorized distributor in Turkey.
Recently, AICON combined with the BREUCKMANN 3D Scanner, which produces high-value optical 3D systems for non-contact measurement, digitization and inspection, has further expanded the port: Special optical measurement systems for mobile applications for vehicle applications and pipe production. and 3D scanners used in non-contact surface measurement of objects.
All of these applications, which are used in automated testing and process control, quality control and reverse engineering, are technical engineering and industrial engineering, but each of these solutions is used in the fields of art and culture as well as human body measurements.
MoveInspect Technology isi Portable measurement solutions
MoveInspect Technology, which provides solutions to different measurement needs for different purposes, is a measuring system that contains portable coordinate measuring devices where a digital camera for data acquisition is sufficient.
Whether the product to be measured is static or movable, MoveInspect Technology provides every sector with the right measurement from millimeter parts to systems of several meters in size.
In the dynamic processes, measurement with 1000 Hz resolution and unlimited time in the field with portable components are the main advantages of MoveInspect Technology.
Discover Aicon professional 3D scanners
You can send an e-mail to [email protected] or call us at 0850 441 50 00 to have a closer look at the advantages and features of Aicon professional 3D scanners that will give you the best results for all your applications.